Big Bend Revisted

I found a better "smart phone scanner" app, so this is a test run to see how they look. 

This app is by Lomography, the folks who appreciate the grainy, imperfect film look. I could've cropped the sprocket holes and data off, but I kind of like it.


nicrap said…
Who is the girl in the picture?
Red Herring said…
It makes for a very dramatic "noir" look. I especially liked the indoor shots. Cool!
Jen said…
Nicrap, she's my oldest daughter.

FJ, I like the indoor shots too. That film definitely performed better indoors. :0)
Ducky's here said…
App is a keeper. Nice old film look.
Jen said…
Thanks, Duck. I like it for what it is. my old epson film printer croaked and I"m not ready to get a new one.

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