Pentax Super ME
Kodak TMax 400 iso
this is what I shoot when I have no idea what to shoot


Ducky's here said…
Speaking of that Jen, did your foot injury heal satisfactorily?
Jen said…
What is it, fj? Sick of the foot selfie? :-)

Jen said…
Thanks for asking, Ducky. It's still healing. I really have to not over-do it or else I regret it for a couple days after.
Thersites said…
Socks are an under-rated piece of clothing!
Jen said…
being barefoot is a requirement when reading a book outside on a quilt.
Thersites said…
being bare-*ssed is a requirement of sitting on a porcelain throne...

...yet no one takes/ nor cares to "picture" it. :P
Thersites said…
It's almost like staring into the abyss... ;)
Jen said…
Sorry fj. I just see feet. Plain old feet.
Always On Watch said…
Excellent sharpness in that top photo.

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