Ilford 120 film, Yashica LM

Taken at the local Buddhist temple. If you knew my town, you'd know how odd it is to have a massive temple here. I love going to this place for the peace and quiet. The monk told me that it's okay if I pray to Jesus there. Odd, I never told her I was a Christian. 


Thersites said…
A very evocative and powerful image! :)
Jen said…
Thank you fj! :-)
Jen said…
I will bring some red color for Durga, and thank her for Victory Day. :-)
nicrap said… are a good person. :)
Ducky's here said…
Managed to get out today and get a couple keepers.
Spring is sort of here but the action is sparse.
Not as calm as a Buddhist temple but conducive of reflection.
Jen said…
I took the Yashica and the Crown Graphic out yesterday and it was tough. So many steps to take to actually get a decent exposure and just one shot at a time.

Building patience, maybe?
Always On Watch said…
One of your best photos ever, IMO. Very powerful!
Jen said…
Thanks so much AoW!

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