I recently discovered Susan Derges and her amazing photograms.
Camera-less photography is something that really fascinates me, but I've not found a way to make the images interesting. There's only so much you can do, right? (Wrong.)

Read up on her techniques, if you have a moment. I love that she incorporates nature, and that she makes use of the darkness of night to bring the darkroom outdoors.

I've tried to use the same ideas, with a few modifications.
I have no large body of water nearby, so I had to alter things a bit.
Using a tub of water, a small flashlight, two glass plates, and some foliage, I came up with the following:


Thersites said…
I don't suppose you could freeze the water...
Thersites said…
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Jen said…
Actually, yes. Thanks for reminding me, fj. I've seen that done before, but not with photograms.

Thersites said…
Do you think that it would capture the patterns of crystallization or just create a blurry "lens"?
Thersites said…
...I realize that working with a colder medium might not be as comfortable as wading into a 'relatively' warmer English stream...
Jen said…
I think the crystals would show.

If only I had an English stream! Lol
Dusty, dry Texas will have to do. :-)

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