I read an article today that said that we are three times more creative when we are happy. I wonder how they measure creativity? Time spent? Satisfaction? Either way, I agree. I was very happy when I made these photograms. I was even happy before I made them. I spent the better part of the afternoon experimenting with the elements, "failing" at least half of the time. But I didn't mind. It's just a rush. And what makes me even happier is to imagine my grandchildren coming across these things I made. How odd! Grandma did this?!


Ducky's here said…
Little bit of Harry Callahan gong on there, Jen.

I remember Callahan from my RISD days when he held court in The Avery proclaiming he was the only one in the bar who had a one man show at MOMA.
Jen said…
Think so?

Check out the previous post. Susan Derges is amazing.

I didn't know you went to RISD...
Jen said…
Two posts back...

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