
Thersites said…
Dallas? It can't be the WTC... there are other buildings in the background.
Jen said…
It's Longview, tx.

I thought it was similar to the WTC, too.

This shot summarizes my mood today. :/
Thersites said…
stark and cold?

I'll return after your mood changes. ;)
Jen said…
Rigid, isolated, and boring!


Don't mean to scare you off. I'm just weary of being here alone day after day. I still can't bear weight, so can't drive, work, etc.

No work and no play makes Jen a dull girl. ;-)
Thersites said…
Nothing inspires creativity like periods of extended ennui. ;P
Thersites said…
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Jen said…
Heh. I like that optimism.

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