I'm cranky.
My family says I'm cranky lately, and that I can't take a joke. It's true.
So I'll go ahead and document right here, a list of things that piss me off. Maybe if we read this together, down the road, we'll get a laugh out of it.
I'm going to include: words, phrases, behaviors, and trends. And anything else I think of. I wouldn't want to leave any annoying thing out.
1. Addressing a group as "Hive-mind" (seen on Facebook, usually a millennial addressing a group, looking for advice or information that they could easily Google on their own).
2. "And...Go!" (Used by the same people who address a group as "hive-mind". This is the person's way of telling the group to do their research for them).
3. The use of "Literally". Where did we drop the ball in teaching a generation of children the definition of this word?
4. NPR correspondents who use vocal fry, end every sentence as if it's a question, or sound like they are in junior high. I miss higher standards in journalism.
5. Starting any social media post with "Just so I am 100% clear...". Get over yourself.
6. The constant need to label oneself.
7. Summer time in Texas
8. This stupid trend of "farmhouse living". My grandparents lived in a farmhouse. It had green shag carpet, swamp coolers, and ceramic wall heaters. Y'all piss me off...
9. Same people, calling themselves "homesteaders". Shut up about it. You live in a sub-division.
10. Christians who support immoral political candidates because they lack the moral fortitude to go against the grain.
11. Liberals (or whatever they call themselves) that claim to "be the change they want to see", but mock anyone who disagrees with them.
12. Children who lie about doing their chores.
13. People who assume all Southerners are ignorant.
14. Don Lemon.
15. Myself for being an ass.
14. Potholes
15. Humidity
16. Bad music
17. Dogs barking late at night
18. Rap music
19. There's more, I know it... But I'm having trouble remembering.
20. My bad memory.
21. The mistakes I made in my 30's.
22. When people in their 30's and 40's call themselves "old". Shut up...
23. Stupidly large pick up trucks with train horns on them. That's illegal...
24. Truck balls. Y'all need your asses kicked.
That's all I can think of, but there's so much more.
I'll add to the list as needed.
Hey, y'all feel free to add to the list. Nikhil, sore butt? Add it!
But let me add to the list, anyway.
1. People making lists. :p
2. people who want to show me Whatsapp videos.
GREAT list. GREAT. Miss you !!
Saying "Be safe" when ending a conversation.
Marco Werman ends his NPR show with "Be safe out there".
Huh??? Were we all cozy and safe before covid? It's it really the biggest threat we're facing??
No, I won't be safe. I'll keep driving, eating bacon, and talking to strangers. I'm not interested in staying safe.
:: Crank over::
....and yes, I do have a very short attention span, love homages, and crave novelty, even if it means wading through countless hours of bad/boring material to find something worthwhile.
As for me, I'm trying to spend less time online lately... Unsuccessfully. Lol
I liked that. Sumps up the film fine.
Yes, i liked it too. Thought i thought it could have ended with the rampage, that seemed to me to be the proper ending.
Like i was telling my sis-in-law every good story follows a logic, and everything in that story (film) was leading up to that point (of the rampage). After that point it's the writer holding the reader hand and telling him how he should read his story.
Yes, it was very lyrical. I am glad you liked it too.