

Maybe you can step into the same river twice. ;)

‘We both step and do not step in the same rivers. We are and are not’ - Heraclitus
Jen said…
That was interesting! I haven't seen the movie, but now I'm curious. I had no idea it was shot on film.
It makes sense to me that if we lose that physical connection to the art, something important is missing.
Joe Cameltoe said…
I was watching a documentary on Hitchcock this morning in which Martin Scorcese stated that Hitchcock had his roots in "silent" film era, and that is what made his story-telling technique so masterful. He could tell the whole story without any dialogue, just a series of images (like in a dream - meaning added/altered/re-interpretted). One wonders how the absence of film will affect the art in the future. What will happen to "time" as it's shrunken, stretched, and re-shaped at will? Will it be like those crazy Japanese cartoons (Dragonball Z) that my sons used to love, where the hero must "gather his power" for what seems an eternity, so that it can all be expended and directed against his antagonist is a mere second? I suppose only time will show. But I miss the old films from the 30's and 40's. Films with real dialogue and plot... and not just a continuous string of chase and fight scenes.
Jen said…
I've never been a fan of big CGI movies. I don't watch super hero movies or Star Wars. But I've seen a few good films this year. Did you see Ladybird, Dunkirk, or The Post?
Jen said…
This was a surprise!
No, I regret to say that I haven't seen any of them. Just big CGI movies. Black Panther and Star Wars. Maybe THAT is why I miss the old films so much. :(
Jen said…
I highly recommend the 3 I mentioned.

Tonight we saw I Can Only Imagine, which is about the band, MercyMe. They are based in a small town about 20 minutes from where we live, and I saw them perform the song "I Can Only Imagine" when it first came out in 1999. The movie is all about forgiveness and redemption, and I think you'd like it.

I'm seeing a real increase in "Christian" movies in recent years, and I'm sensing a revival coming on. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I can't help but think that our nation is in desperate need of faith, love, and forgiveness. It's amazing to me how what happens on a global stage is mirrored on a national mirrored on a state mirrored on a municipal mirrored at home.

anyway, I hope you see some good, uplifting movies soon. I'm always looking for good films that are life-giving...
Yes, I'm afraid our concentration on economics has pretty well hollowed us out as a culture. A revival is needed.

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