
People were in really good spirits on this night. The city kept all of the family friendly activities on one end of the square, and allowed all of the beer vendors on the other end. I think it worked out well.

First time using Ilford HP5 Plus, 400 ISO
Minolta Maxxum 700
D76 developer x 12.5 minutes


Ducky's here said…
Happen to know hat aperture setting you were using?

Nice group. I really like the expression of the vendor.
Jen said…
Duck, I had it in Aperture Priority, and I think I kept it on 5.6. I tried to go smaller, but I was hand-held and the ISO was 400.

That vendor was a character. He had everyone laughing.
Small town life still exists... but it's getting ever harder to find. Love the pictures!
Jen said…
Thanks FJ! This town is actually quite bug. Population of 70k, I think. ;-)
Thersites said…
My home town only has a little over 10k... so compared to us, you have a very big town/ small city.
nicrap said…
My hometown has a population of 452k. Now beat that. ;)
Thersites said…
When I lived in San Jose, CA, we were 500k. ;P

Baltimore's currently down to about 450 (from a peak at 600).
nicrap said…
Delhi is currently at 9.89 million. *shaking fists*
Thersites said…
Like I said, "Small town life still exists... but it's getting harder to find.". :p
nicrap said…
lol. If you were Jen, i would call you smartypants. ;)
Jen said…
The town I currently live in is 3K.

And boy does it feel small...
Jen said…
The town I currently live in is 3K.

And boy does it feel small...
nicrap said…
3k is loose change here in terms of population. ;)

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