focus and be still.

move forward.


Thersites said…
My family is in the process of repeating the King Lear tragedy. Don't you just hate it when parents get old?

-Duke of Cornwall.
Z said…
I don't know what to say. I've always liked your text ...
will email you.
Z said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said…
I don't understand your comment, FJ. Never read King Lear. :p
Thersites said…
Ever see, The Dresser?

It's the modern re-invention of Lear. A production my own father seems intent on re-producing.
Marcus said…
Thank G_D that they are just feelings...feeings are not facts...and feelings change as quickly as the Texas weather.
Like the free-verse style.
Reminds me of Jack Kerouac.

:=) Viva Zapata!
Jen said…
Thanks, FJ. Lear in 10 minutes or less...I loved it. I may go to the Scottish sock puppets for all future Shakespeare needs. ;-)

Nope, never seen The Dresser. Looks amazing, though.

I need more theater in my life...
Jen said…
and feelings change as quickly as the Texas weather.


Indeed they do! Today is 110% better than Tuesday. Amazing what a difference 48 hours can bring. The school faculty seems quite cooperative and even eager to help. I'm pleasantly surprised. :-)

Jen said…
Oh, and just to be clear....the bullshit- tough guy - cowboy type that I spoke of...was NOT my husband. ;-)

He's up for father and husband of the year. :-D

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