Alaska part 1

I tend to remember these moments most. 
Alaska itself was really interesting and I enjoyed Sitka most of all. 
I'm so glad we went. 
cruise ships...are not my thing. i kinda knew that beforehand. 
by the end of the cruise i was wearing my noise cancelling headphones in all public spaces, facing corners at every meal, and avoiding people as much as possible. 



Thersites said…
Nice! Isn't it "night time" most of the time now (short days)? Maybe you're not that far north. I used to work for ASRC (Arctic Slope Regional Corp)... an Alaskan Native (Inupiat) owned company but have never been, so don't really know.
Jen said…
Yes I think their days are very short this time of year. We went at the end of August and it was pretty rainy about half the time but not too cold or dark yet. How was your Christmas? We had everybody (kids and my Mom) at our house and it was nice and quiet. No political talk allowed... Even though every thing is political. Lol
Sounds like your Christmas holidays were similar to ours. My daughter hosted Christmas again this year. My MiL also stayed the week with her, which was nice (she's 91 now and still very active in both mind and body). They put together a baby shower for my DiL and invited about 20-25 people for the Sunday after Christmas. My brother and SiL also came, and so I was able to catch up on their family (they live in PA). My grand-daughter was born yesterday, New Years Day in the am. She ended up coming by C-Section, so my DiL is still in the hospital ('til Sunday). Her parents flew out from CA and are staying with them in Baltimore County. I still don't have the vitals (name/weight/etc.) but she's healthy and not dependent of any medical interventions (1 month premature).

So yeah, a bit of excitement here. I'm not sure when we'll visit mom and the new arrival. I'll follow my wife's lead on that... she's not super mobile and active like her mom. But I do look forward to meeting our first grandchild and breaking in my "Promoted to Grandfather" coffee mug (Xmas gift)!
Vitals : 5 lbs 11 oz, 19", named Sylvie (sp?)
Jen said…
That's so exciting!!! Little Sylvie, I love that. I hope Mom is going well. What an exciting time for your family. I cannot imagine what that must feel like, having a grandchild. I'm so happy for you all.
nicrap said…
Congratulations FJ!
Hiya Jen!
nicrap said…

2 of 2
: living or located in the woods or forest
: of, relating to, or characteristic of the woods or forest
: made, shaped, or formed of woods or trees
: abounding in woods, groves, or trees
Jen said…
Hiya Nikhil! 🙂
Thersites said…
Mom and baby are doing nicely at home now...

Hi Nikhil! Yes, I've finally been promoted to grandpa! Hope all's well with you and yours! Drop a few lines about how you're doing and what you're up to if you get a chance. Would love all the juicy gossip! It's been too long.....
Thersites said…
...and my DiL's "maiden name" is I suppose that "Sylvie" might be a hat-tip to that "abounding in woods" reference. :)
nicrap said…
Hello Fj!
I have been doing fine too. Discovered Paco de Lucia a few months ago. So that's one new thing. Otherwise, it's same old same old. Also recovering from a heartbreak that might not be a heartbreak, it's too soon to tell. Or it may just be the case of hope springs eternal. I dont know. On other news, finished a few long stories recently. Are you still using the old email id? Let me know so I may interest you in some. I remember sending you the beginning of one of them earlier. I would like you to know how it finally turned out.
Congratulations, again!
nicrap said…
...and my DiL's "maiden name" is I suppose that "Sylvie" might be a hat-tip to that "abounding in woods" reference.

It might just on that.
Ah, Flamenco-jazz very nice. When I was a kid in Madrid in the early sixties my brother and I took guitar lessons while my sister learned flamenco. I'll have to listen to more.

Heartbreak.... do tell! Flames kindling... burning out... rekindling. Sounds very romantic. I wish you mucho amor y buena suerte!

And my main e-mail is I don't quite remember if that is the one I was using then. I'd love to read some of your stories. We don't get a lot of Indian flavour here in the states (at least I'm not aware of it), so there's probably a starving story market in the general population and Indian communities here.

Glad to hear that things are doing well with you. I miss our conversations. Don't be a stranger! We missed you!

And thanks!

nicrap said…
I think I stopped visiting blogs regularly after i gave away my laptop. I wanted to switch to pen and paper for my writing thinking it might prove more productive. And for a while I was without any device until I got my first cellphone. But by then I had already become scarce at the blogs. Nonetheless, I missed you guys and would often read your posts.
My cervical has also been a reason why I have stayed away so much recently.
Paco has been a revelation, really. I dont understand music much but I have seen I enjoy it when I do listen to it. I like jazz too. :)
I have sent a story to hopefully you will like it.
nicrap said…
Jen, you must listen to Paco once. The link fj has posted above might be a good start.
I received your email and have replied. Thank you for sharing, I'm still in a bit of a reverie from reading it.

And I wish I could break my blog-reading habit. My attention span has been reduced to near-gnat sized. the saving grace is that I often search my old posts for materials that I would have otherwise long forgotten. It's become an adjunct to my memory... a cybnetic adjunct. I suppose we really are becoming post-human. I know I am.
ps - Don't take my arguments against the peripatetic lifestyle too seriously. I was, for a time, a Merchant Seaman, after all. :)
...having now lived in the same house for 43 years, and with the same wife for 46. I suppose I have to "own" that. ;)
nicrap said…
Lol. We live in politically correct times, FJ! And even walls have ears. ;)
Jen said…
Wow you guys just have a party in my house while I'm not here. ;). I'll give it a listen. I'm going to need a lot of good music to get through the days ahead. Did y'all see a clip of musk giving a nazi salute? Good times in the ol USA.
nicrap said…
And she spoils it with politics. For shame, Jen! 😛
Jen said…
I know, I'm such a party pooper.
Welcome back! I hope that you didn't forget the beer... ;)
Trump's going the full Milei! Libertarians run Wild.
Is it too late to join the broligarchy and break out a gig-economy side-hustle?
Jen said…
Beer's too mild for this situation. I'm wanting a 4 year medically induced coma.
Jen said…
I've gone full lefty. Ducky would be so proud. Note, lefty not liberal. Most trump supporters don't know the difference. Whateverwhocaresitsallascamanyway
nicrap said…
Two sides of the same coin, it seems to me.
Thersites said…
It's merely the tension in the system. The "neoliberal left" allies with the neoliberal right" in pursuit of capitalism and economic activity. The far Left and far Right fight over social and cultural issues. Capitalism seeks to commodify land, labour and capital, and is thereby destructive to social and cultural values (it wants to get them out of the way so that it can use people to make money).
nicrap said…
This is I think is as good a description as any.
Jen said…
What beer should I bring? I used to like Shiner . I'll def bring Bailey's Irish cream. And I'm bringing a guitar so someone can play some woody Guthrie tunes...
Jen said…
I know it's scandalous with a family name of Hurley, but I can't stand Guinness. And I have never heard that song before. I've only heard of the writing by James Joyce. I prefer Killian's Irish Red and the chieftains.

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