Things lately
The enemy is rarely who I think it is. It's nearly always me.
I want to be a better person, but not by anyone else's standards but my own.
I want to possess a calm that is deep and abiding, and the past year has shown me just how easily I am shaken.
At 46 I feel like I am just beginning to have a grip on my thoughts. I was going to write "and beliefs", but that's not true. I am still changing, but I feel less pressure to identify or label myself.
I want to know my friends more and experience deep joy with them. I want to love people more.
I want to be less guarded, but not because I trust everyone, because I trust myself.
I want to see beauty all around me, in moments and people.
I want to feel content and be okay with stillness.
I want to embrace challenges and finish the goals I set.
That's me, looking at 47.
All rhetorical questions, btw.
Btw, did anyone watch the Ballad of Buster Scruggs on Netflix?
The older we get, we see it in ourselves and others, and it becomes an effort to give people the benefit of the doubt... At least that's my take on it.
But I agree, it's sad to feel so cynical all the time.
Just call me jaded... ;).
How are you doing, Nikhil? The news says that the epidemic is hitting India pretty hard. Hope you and yours are safe, and that it begins to ebb soon. Best wishes!
I too hope that it will begin to ebb soon. Thanks again!
I think i have retained my innocence in this respect, even completely i would say. Never feel the need to have my guard up against people. But i am somewhat of a misanthrope, i would add, avoid people when i can. Frankly, they have little in common with me and bore me.
But no, I'm talking about being on the receiving end of a really good head f'ing. Something only your worst enemy could give you. You really haven't lived until you've gotten one and you've learned just how vulnerable to one that you are.
I could tell you about mine one day if you'd like, but not here. In the interest of my privacy, I'd post it at my hideout, and then delete it.
--Marilyn Monroe
Take care! :)
It's not the best film... but I thought you might find it interesting as a member of the "loner" cult. If nothing else, it's a head shaker. ;)
I think it's one of the reasons that Jordan Peterson earned the lobster epithet.
The clips look promising. I will definitely keep an eye out for it.
k. I have a question for you guys. We in India (or maybe just the Hindi speaking part of it) when we think of lizards always think of them as females. It is also true of many other species of animals, like spiders, etc. I just wanted to know if it is a culturally specific thing, or is it also true of the English speaking people, especially re lizards. I have a story idea and the answer is of some importance to it. :) wasn't very satisfying for him, I don't think... although he did give it a smile aat the very end. :(
I still can't believe how hard this hits.
It makes me so tired.