there's nothing to say.
even if there were, i haven't the ability to say it.


Jen said…
Efff Jaaay!

Brandi Carlile is amazing.

That is all.

Red Herring said…
...if you ever do have a story, you know where to find me. :)
Jen said…
Your patience is most appreciated.

Lately I have more questions than stories, but I would like to get back to the posts about growing up.

How are you? Still working from home? Do you think it might become a permanent situation?

Patience seems to be the order of the day.... but I'm not sure that I'm buying it anymore... at least not from "them" (the "authorities")

Yes, I'm still working from home. My living room couch has become my temporary office, and my lap, its' desk. I scroll my mouse on the soft couch cushions and reach over to the Kuerig on the lamp table beside it for hourly cups of coffee. I refuse to set up anything more permanent... as I can put my "office" away and remain out of touch from 5pm until the next day. I refuse to become another 24/7 drone who responds to e-mails ta 3am. Its a habit I never wish to acquire.

Posts about growing up... yes, those can be fun. I'm not sure that all my stories represent growth, though. Change, yes, but growth? Maybe not as much as I need. I still remain as egoristical, stubborn and ornery as ever. I understand the world little better than before... perhaps having not yet learned how to best digest what has been transpiring (especially as of late).

Well regardless, hope all is well with you and yours.

...and if this becomes a permanent situation, they'd best prepare a room at the asylum in anticipation of my next psychic break. Although next time I expect I'll have a lot more people locked up with me to talk with. :)
Jen said…
I like your dedication to keeping work hours and personal hours separate. I could do better. I had co-workers texting at 11 pm last week. I managed to ignore them.

The state of our world has me feeling quite lost. But if I'm being honest, it's all three of my children pulling away from me that has me really feeling out of sorts. They are all becoming so different from me, so drastically different from how I (thought) I raised them. It's neither good nor bad, it's just difficult.
Thersites said…
I think I understand. The distances can sometimes extend to, and beyond, a breaking point. But the love will always remain, and draw them back in. It just takes time, and patience.

I'm currently somewhat estranged from my daughter over Facebook and my unwillingness to embrace her "anti-racism". But it is what it is. She's currently moving back to Maryland to be closer with her mother (and me, I hope). We'll see. Time and patience will tell.
Thersites said…
ps - I have a niece in the same boat. We'll see what time brings.
Jen said…
Yes, I think that time and grace do heal those differences. One thing I won't budge on is: love one another. I understand that they have different political and religious beliefs than me, but still: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Even when the other is radically different than you. Even when they are "uninformed" or "ignorant". I can't stand to see how wokeness trumps love and grace. It's just too easy to hate people and it will never lead to better things. Nobody's heart is ever changed by screaming at them.

I hope your daughter can find some tenderness, and you as well.

I know it's a struggle...


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