I'm hardly present, it seems
and so time seems to be speeding by
it's stupid to stay so busy
because the waters are relatively smooth right now

I had become so accustomed to storms, that I'm uncomfortable
with the calm

who was it who said that freedom was terrifying?
he was right

they need me less and less,
and I may become one of those women
who forgets who she was
and adopts puppy after puppy
just to have something to hold

I don't know who I'll be


I'm so negative right now. hating on strangers
pissed off at coworkers
and crying when they're in their rooms
more therapy? maybe I'm eternally broken.

I read this blog, back to 2012, and I think I 
was smarter, more insightful, and healthier. 
that's great. going around the loop again.

maybe I'm tired.
I do know that I have no tolerance for bullshit. 
I have little tolerance for anything. 
my walls are high.

I'll read this in a couple years and have no idea
what I was talking about on this day.


this week a coworker spoke to me like a hateful 
parent speaks to a 3 year old child. she accused me
of going through someone's desk. she's about ten 
years younger than me, and it completely blew me
apart. I was shaking, I was so angry. the more I talked
the less she said, and that made me even angrier. 
I wish I had handled it differently. 
I seem to be really bad at dealing with difficult people.
maybe I am more difficult than they are. 


I watched President Bush's funeral proceedings on TV
this week. I felt an old familiar sense of goodness and 
peace that I haven't felt in years. 
I missed going to church and feeling a connection 
to other believers and having a sense of God's presence
and love.
I enjoyed hearing about how GHW Bush enjoyed life and
lived it to the fullest, well into old age. 
I love that he told jokes and gave people nicknames and
took pictures of his staff napping. 
I hope we can once again have a good, dignified, courageous
person as President soon. Maybe I've completely misjudged
trump, but he seems like a man baby to me. He seems so 
undeveloped in so many ways. we'll see. my conservative
friends seem to view him completely differently...nearly as 
if they are wearing rose colored glasses. I tend to think I'm 
not wearing ANY glasses anymore, but maybe I can't even 
see them. maybe I have an ideology and don't even realize
it. either way, he lost me long ago, and I can't in good 
conscience support him. funny to look back at the Clinton years
and see the differences and similarities between the two men, 
and how the media treated them differently, but each one has
blind followers who refuse to consider the other side.
what's that old Avett Brother's song about how a man's life
doesn't change by who's in office? 


I wonder if my job does anybody any good?
I wonder how I ever had the determination 
to get through school. I'm so glad I don't have
to do it again. if I did, I'd study photography/
drawing/poetry and I'd probably have to work 
as a bank teller or daycare worker to pay the 
bills. would that be better? is it more noble to 
do the thing you love or the thing that supports
your family?

am I doing anything at all that's noble?

does everyone go through these things...
whatever this is?
did GHW Bush go through periods of blah?
I cried every time someone mentioned Robin 
at the funeral service. 
I think I need to be more social
and be around like minded adults. 
I think I need to serve others. 
I think I need to set goals and get serious
about having more fun.

ok, good talk.


btw - Jouissance is the ideology of the 1. So do not compromise it. ;)
Jen said…

btw - Jouissance is the ideology of the 1. So do not compromise it. ;)


what gives you . jouissance?

and i love the texas independence video. we watched him last year while homeschooling.
...epiphanies. Which is why I love Zizek so. :)
Were it that your mind was like a treasured book
waiting for adoring eyes to absorb your lessons

Were it that your breasts were like welcoming fields
waiting for the summer sun to gently bake your flesh

Were it that your belly was like a ploughed furrow
waiting for the tireless farmer to plant the seed of renewal

Were it that your hair was the golden memories of past
waiting for the winds of adoration to lift your light

Were it that your arms were wrapped around love
waiting for the start of an eternity of cosmic stars

Were it that your eyes shone with the light of the moon
waiting for the gentle kisses of redemption and hope

Were it that your lips breathed mystical stories
waiting for the world to listen and learn

Were it that all was gathered in some magic glow
waiting for the timeless Ecstasy of Understanding

-Kevin Patrick Brown
Jen said…
...epiphanies. Which is why I love Zizek so. :)


I get that. :-)
Jen said…
beautiful poem!!
i love it, too...
(as rare as it is! lol)
Tell all the truth but tell it slant —
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth's superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind —

-Emily Dickinson
Jen said…

she was brilliant.
FT/Franco gave me another great one... on how beauty and love require an imperfect gaze...

A Charm invests a face
Imperfectly beheld —
The Lady dare not lift her Veil
For fear it be dispelled —

But peers beyond her mesh —
And wishes — and denies —
Lest Interview — annul a want
That Image — satisfies —

~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

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