This day-long drive is my favorite. As I head west, the horizon opens up, and so does my heart. I crave that feeling as I drive through the canyons...that feeling of renewal, oneness, openness, observation. No more judgement or inner criticism. Just being. the old me, current me, and future me all together. a right perspective.


A looking out... an escape... before the arrival of the second negation, the "return" to "subjectivity" (determinate theory of negation).
The first negation operates at the level of the imaginary... The second negation operates at the level of the symbolic: it is only within the symbolic order of differentiality that "the presence-absence (a presence rendered effective by its very absence)" functions, ie, that absence can count as a positive feature even more powerful than presence. - Zizek, "Absolute Recoil"

Jen said…
He makes sense, but isn't it a lot simpler than all that? I bet Zizek would love hearing me say, "Slavoj, you're making it too complicated".

Maybe the concept is not overly complicated, but the language seems to be.
Jen said…
But anyway, yes, it is an escape. I like to think of it as a chance to regain proper perspective.
Jen said…
I like the feeling of actually missing my home. Not my childhood home, but my current one. I like to regain that gratitude that's lost when I'm tired and burned out.
Jen said…
thank you, my friend. :-)

It's funny how I seem to take the same photos over and over.
Z said…
The top one somehow bothers's my favorite but leaves me feeling a kind of lonely, isolated feeling deep inside...I love it and hate it; the best reaction from any picture, I think!
Bravo, Jen.
GREAT STUFF, as usual
Jen said…
It bothers me too, Z! That feeling of isolation used to really bother me. I would literally get anxious when we would drive through sad little towns, just thinking about how lonely the residents must be. Thanks for the feedback!
Thersites said…
The homesteads appear almost as islands floating upon a sea of agriculture... ;)
Jen said…
Yes! Nice metaphor, fj.
Ducky's here said…
@Jen --- It's funny how I seem to take the same photos over and over.

We do develop themes but as compelling as the top photo is you also seem engaged
in crowd photos like the Oktoberfest.

Jen said…
I really enjoy festivals a lot. The happy atmosphere is contagious.

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