Candy Store Diptych (I WILL do this again, in color!)

My favorite burger place.

Olympus Pen EE, Tmax 400


nicrap said…
I really liked the second one, Jen. Very good.
Thersites said…
I'll take 2 #'s! ;)
Ducky's here said…
Love the candy store composition.

Works just fine in B&W.

Only a dusting today. Thankful that southern storm missed us.
Seems to be a change coming.
Jen said…
Thanks, Duck. That store is so fun, for lots of reasons. ;-)

Glad to hear you'll be seeing a change in weather soon. Take care of yourself!
Z said…
I love the second one but the top is spectacular...the contrast is so good....the blacks are bright! REALLY wonderful.
And I love the subject matter.

The bottom is almost like a Hopper or a Register, two favorite artists of mine.

Nice stuff again, Jen. xx
Jen said…
Thanks you, Z!
I like the blacks in that top one, too. That's the coolest little half-frame camera, and it takes decent photos indoors without a flash.

Z said…
Katya's about to do a class in her photography class on the pinpoint camera...or whatever it is; where they make their own?
Do you know much about that?!
Jen said…
A bit. I took a graduate class in pinhole photography.
Ducky's here said…
I've always thought of pinhole photography as a study in basic optics.
Z said…
"a bit?" !! I'll tell Katya....and I hope you don't mind my giving her your email address :-)
Ducky's here said…
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Ducky's here said…
Jen did you use a Holga or a 50 dollar kit to turn your good 35mm. into a 35 dollar Holga?
Jen said…
Of course I don't mind, Z! :-)

Ducky, I've never used a Holga for pinhole photography. Never used a 35 mm body, either. I made eight pinhole cameras. We made one from wood in class, and I made several from recipe boxes, tea tins, oatmeal cannisters, black film cannisters, and even a small suitcase. :-) I'll post a pic of my homemade cameras soon. (but yes, I do own a Holga. Never enjoyed it much, though.)
Jen said…
Ducky, a friend of mine wants to know why you named your snow photos Juno I and Juno II...
Ducky's here said…
The winter storm was named Juno.

They name everything now.

Seems to be warming up. Big fight now is with the city throwing out parking space savers.
3 inches tonight but rain in the 40's tomorrow. Won't accumulate.
Jen said…
Oh! I didn't know they named winter storms. Maybe we should start naming heat waves here in a Texas. ;-)

I'm glad you're getting a break from the snow, but it sounds like a big slushy mess now. We've had rain, ice, and snow for a week now. Lots of mud and temps in the 40's tomorrow.

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