Zambia 2

I like to take screenshots with the location and temperature as a reminder of where I've been. We flew from Nairobi, Kenya to Lusaka, Zambia and were picked up by our guide and pastor/bus driver for a 1 hour drive to the village where we stayed. See us in the bus, below. Our luggage was left out in the rain on the tarmac in Nairobi, and unfortunately several items were ruined. We packed those large suitcases with medical equipment and carried them as checked bags.

It's hard to remember but I think that these 2 shots were taken on the way to Kitwe, Zambia. That's where we bought food and necessities. 

Below is a blurry shot of a small street market in Kitwe. Much line a flea market, but every day. The locals buy their phone data in small packets here, as well as clothing, food, and drinks.



Sorry, I'm in shock. Looks very western-rural small town. A water-tower to boot! I was expecting something less developed. I guess that goes to show how totally isolated and out of touch I am.
Jen said…
It's an interesting place. In the city of Kitwe, there's a shopping mall and fast food. But 20 minutes outside town there are villages known as compounds where the houses are made of cinder blocks and scrap metal. We worked on the compound of Garneton. But people walked to see us from over 2 hours away.
Makes me think of Caracas. Modern city, but cross the Rio Guaire and you're in the ranchitos, plywood houses stacked on the hill. That was always WAY out of my comfort zone.
Jen said…
Sounds very similar!
Thersites said…
Yep. Step across any ocean and you find yourself in the 3rd world. Most people born here have NO idea just how fortunate/ blessed they are.

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