Just checking in...

I developed film last night, and it was wonderful.  (I seem to forget how good this is for my soul. And it's become clear to me that I care far more about the process than the end results. In fact, when I really give myself over to the process, the end results are SO much better!)

What are you doing to survive the harsh winter / politics / gender wars of 2018?

Do you ever feel like your life is oddly unfamiliar to you?


Thersites said…
Parameters not specified in the ALTER PROCESS command result in the existing values for those parameters being left unchanged.

Jen said…
That is just VERY cool.
Banting is my hero!

speaking of type one...there's a new type of pump coming onto the market this year that loops the continuous glucose monitor with the insulin pump, which then automates insulin AND glucagon delivery day and NIGHT! This is a huge leap in lessening the burden of managing type 1.

and while it's amazing... I want a cure. :-)
The tech keeps getting better.... but a cure would certainly be better!

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